Got Milk? Stepping into an experience of our Salvation

While not everyone will remember the mid-90s set of ads which inspired the “Got Milk?” slogan, we all can identify with the desire to have our thirst quenched.  For those who are too young, or just don’t remember, most of these “Got Milk?” ads portrayed awkward, or even life altering events just because someone lacked milk.  In a somewhat comedic way, these ads capture the spirit behind the Apostle Peter’s admonition to us to desire “pure spiritual milk”.

“Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.”  1 Peter 2:2-3 NLT

What is this pure milk Peter speaks of?  For one, it is spiritual.  Today, let’s let go of just conceptualizing about God, and talk directly to Him.  Let’s wait on God, let’s desire His presence.  God is a Spirit, and only by His Spirit can we connect to Him (John 4:24, 2 Cor 3:16-17, 1 Cor 2:14).  Without admitting this, we are left to the emptiness and pities of self-made religion.  Rather, let’s press into relationship with Him.  And isn’t that what He saved us for?

Second, this milk is pure.  The spiritual input that the Holy Spirit gives is pure, and therefore it gives us power over sin.  In fact, when we commune with Him, we will grow into an experience of our salvation!  Haven’t we all asked ourselves why doing the right thing is tough in moments?  The answer according to Peter is that we have not experienced enough pure nourishment, directly from the Spirit of God.   Peter says we must crave this experience with God.  We must be spiritually helpless just like a newborn.  This posture portrays spirituality as depending on, and receiving directly from, Jesus himself.  This is much different than only filling our head with facts about Him.  This is the way of our salvation.

Finally, just to emphasize his point, Peter reminds us of how good it is to taste God.  He is telling us to desire more when we spend time with God.  He argues that once we start down this road, we will certainly desire this spiritual contact again: “now that (we) have tasted the Lord’s kindness”.

Do you know you need experiences with God and His kindness?  Do you know you need to hear his voice in your spirit to grow up into salvation?  As we devotionally read the Bible today, let’s approach it not as a textbook (leave that for some other time), but with our spirits open for a now word!  When we pray, let’s listen… let’s expect there is nourishment in the waiting (Is 40:31).  Perhaps we will begin to hear the whisper of His voice, and that will most certainly bring us strength!

Jesus we desire you to save us from both “awkward”, and “life altering” events that arise because we lack your pure spiritual milk in our lives!  We confess we have often depended on our flesh, rather than on your Spirit, for working out our salvation.  Jesus, we want to grow today in our experience of your great salvation!

John Dresser