
Not only is John Dresser a close friend but I respect him as a man who carries a prophetic anointing. I have known John for years and have watched him minister with a pastoral heart and shepherd’s calling. He has passion to help others hear the voice of God and help them be awakened to a deeper connection with the Father. I would consider John an equipper and practitioner of the prophetic with a pastoral gifting to lead others to their own breakthroughs. John has played a significant role in my life and has impacted so many others. I am excited to see John’s ministry grow and become an even more strategic partner with Grace Chapel.

Mike Tatlock

I have known John Dresser for approximately 20 years. I was a member of the Pastoral Team at a School of Ministry where John began his ministry training in 2000. Even back then, John stood out from the crowd. His sincerity, his gifting, his integrity and character were all outstanding. Over the years my husband and I have maintained contact with John and watched his life develop through marriage and fatherhood. More recently we have partnered with John as he launched a Wellspring Ministry School in Portland. As director of the Wellspring school we have seen John operate in the matured fruit of the traits we noticed blossoming within him 20 years ago. His ministry gifting. His pastoral heart. His noteworthy character and his unshakable love for God. John is a man of vision. He hears from God and he is obedient to those promptings

John is a capable leader. He is a strategist and has strong administrative abilities. As well as this, John carries a strong Pastoral anointing. He flows with a spirit of counsel which enables him to speak into individual lives and into marriages. In addition to this, John has a pronounced teaching gift and a confirmed prophetic ministry which has been tested and judged over the years, as I can personally attest to.

I do not hesitate to recommend John as a guest speaker, a pastoral voice or a prophetic voice in churches or Christian communities.

Rev. Stephanie Jones

First of all I have to say how excited I am to not only write this endorsement, but to see John stepping into this new chapter of his ministry life. Since I’ve known John I’ve been deeply impacted by his selfless character that lives to prefer others. Often this has been done under the radar and not for personal gain. Rather, at great expense and sacrifice to himself and his family, He invests in others who need a touch from the Father. In one instance, I saw John drive for hours to pick a man up who was in need of council. Then he brought him to a meeting John was leading so that the man could be saturated in the presence and word of God, before making the long drive to drop him back home again. It is moments like these that lead me to say John Dresser is a man of tremendous integrity and has really captured something of the heart of the Father.

John carries unique wisdom and insight. From the overflow of his relationship with the Father John moves powerfully in the gifts of Prophecy and Power. I have personally received from his prophetic ministry and been with him on evangelism outreaches where I also have seen these gifts in action.

He is truly a gift to the body of Christ.

Scott McNamara
Jesus at the Door

Galatians 5:16-25 talks about what it looks like to “walk in the Spirit” – living a life submitted to the Holy Spirit and resisting the flesh. It ends with a simple statement: “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” While that seems trivial, it is probably the most important thing we can do day to day as Christians. I believe this is what it looks like to take up our cross daily. I believe this is how we will have the grace to love others as Jesus loves the church. I believe this is how we will have the grace to make disciples of all nations. It all starts with walking by the Spirit.

I have not met anyone that embodies this idea and pursues a daily walk with the Spirit like John Dresser. John’s daily pursuit of the Spirit and his abiding in Him is truly inspirational. It manifests itself in his ability to hear God’s voice, encourage and challenge others, mentor people and lead groups of all types. The impact I have seen John have in other people’s lives as well as my own will forever make a mark in our community and in the Kingdom.

Shane Lorente
Founder of S2A4 Ministries