Walking thru the Valley (A Study on Spiritual Warfare)

We all love when God meets us on the mountain – it’s there we see His goodness so clearly. But have you ever wondered why God leads you to (and through) the valley of the shadow of death? The “valleys” are the low places of life where we are tempted to doubt God’s provision. However, it’s in the valley we experience Him in new ways. Yes, the abundance of the mountain finds its way to us in the valley! OK, that all sounds nice, but we have all experienced warfare (the shadow of evil) and been caught off guard. I want to share a few scriptures to expose how the enemy often attacks us…

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John Dresser
Fear Factor (Amy Dresser)

Have you ever wondered why God gave us the ability to experience emotion? Obviously emotions can be a great “joy” (essential part of healthy human existence) to experience — or a great “sadness” (burden if left unchecked). Emotions can only be judged based on their source. Sadness can come from the spirit or the flesh. So can pleasure, joy, and fear. The Bible teaches that jealousy on one hand is bad – but then tells us to be jealous for the gifts of the Spirit. Why? Because jealousy in itself is not bad – unless the source is.

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John Dresser
Lord Teach Me to Pray (Amy Dresser)

The first step to God-honoring prayer is to admit that you can’t pray. All we can do, is bring what we have: our minds, our bodies, our will – and present them to God… We need to become experts at gauging the state of our souls. And engaging our spirits with God to be strengthened, when we see ourselves losing traction with Him… losing the Fullness of the Spirit in our hearts – which is our inheritance, our RIGHT as believers, our unfathomable gift from God!

And as we present ourselves to this God who has PROMISED us HIMSELF… All of it starts with coming.

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John Dresser
The God of Promise and the Life of Faith (Amy Dresser)

“Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.” (Jeremiah 33:9)

A habitation… that is what God would make of you.

A dwelling place… for the display of His splendor.

This is your destination: wholeness.

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John Dresser
Why we seek His presence...

Think of a Bible story where the presence of God manifested on earth. Got it? What happened to the people involved? Was there power and revelation involved? Just so we are all on the same page… let’s use Moses meeting with the presence of God on the mountain in Exodus 20-34. Certainly there was power occuring. There were so many physical effects of the unseen world invading ours; thunder, lighting, fire, smoke… crazy stuff! Moses face even glowed! All this could seem excessive, but Moses cried out for this. Why?

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John Dresser
Got Milk? Stepping into an experience of our Salvation

While not everyone will remember the mid 90s set of ads which inspired the “Got Milk?” slogan, we all can identify with the desire to have our thirst quenched.  For those who are too young, or just don’t remember, most of these “Got Milk?” ads portrayed awkward, or even life altering events just because someone lacked milk.  In a somewhat comedic way, these ads capture the spirit behind the Apostle Peter’s admonition to us to desire “pure spiritual milk”.

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John Dresser