Fall 2024 starts Wednesday Sept 18th… for FREE!


What is SSI?

SSI is a community driven form of discipleship and spiritual formation. We call it a school because it is a fun place of intentional learning where you will invest in your spiritual life. We call it supernatural because Christianity is a relationship with GOD! What could be more supernatural than that? We call it a school of identity because we believe in right relationship with God we discover what we are made for! Jesus wants to define and release our identity to us.

Class Topics in level 101

  1. Spiritual Disciplines

  2. Spiritual Gifts

  3. Hearing God's Voice

  4. The Nature of God

  5. How to Walk in Spiritual Freedom and Sanctification

  6. Finding your Purpose and Discovering your Identity

Class Goals:

  1. Understand How to Relate to God’s Presence- we want you to understand the biblical foundations of how to walk in the Spirit and have authentic encounters with God’s Spirit. We expect that at the end of class you will be able to define how you have tasted and seen that the Lord is good.

  2. Understand How to Study Scripture - we want you to be equipped to study the Bible so that you understand what God was revealing about himself throughout scripture. As you see the heart of God in scripture we expect you will have heart level doctrine that leads you to an intimate heart level connection with Jesus.

  3. Understand How to Hear God’s Voice - we want your prayer life to receive a major upgrade! We want to teach you how to discern the different ways God speaks and have a growing confidence that you can obey the specific direction and call He has for your life.

  4. Understand Foundational Truths about the Godhead - we want to reframe religious views of God and expect you will experience Him as a loving father, a perfect son and lover, and a holy and comforting spirit. We believe that your internal view of God determines how much you can receive from Him, and we expect you will learn how to receive so much more. We want Christ to dwell in your heart through faith (Eph 3:17)!

  5. Understand your Identity - we want you to have a growing awareness of what happened inside of you when you said yes to Christ (you are a new creation). As a new creation, Jesus wants you to see the unique way He has gifted you and He desires a growing confidence that you can be used in his kingdom (this will include discussions on spiritual gifts and wiring).

Class Format:

Each week 1hr+ teaching on a core topic, followed by personal ministry, activations, and practice on each topic.


Stonewater Church - 9120 SW Pioneer Ct Suite E, Wilsonville, OR 97070

Start Date:

Wednesday September 18th at 6:30pm

For 10 weeks (Classes will run approx 3hrs)



$199 - due by Tuesday Sept 19th (may attend first class for trial)

Payments and Scholarships

Payment Plan - If you are not able to pay the full tuition please contact us to work out a payment plan that will suit your needs…

Scholarships - Scholarships can be awarded. Please contact us with your current financial situation to be considered for a school scholarship. To make an alternative payment after a scholarship has been awarded please click the link below.


Here is our school trifold brochure…