
Identity Evangelism

At Workers for Joy, we understand that not everyone is called to be a full time evangelist, but every Christian should be ready to share their faith (1 Peter 3:15). In fact, when each of us discovers who we are in Christ, we will consistently have evangelistic encounters! Scripture describes this influence we bring to the world as being similar to spreading an aroma everywhere we go (2 Cor. 2:14). When our God-given identity interacts with the world, we are letting our light shine! Can you imagine if you carried a candle so large that people could see and smell it everywhere you went?

So when it comes to evangelism, it is not about a work of religious performance. We are not trying to create the moment, but rather we walk into the moment. We believe God has prepared our evangelistic encounters before we step into them (Eph. 2:10). He is the Lord of the Harvest, so only he can allow us to reap a harvest of souls (Matt. 9:38). Therefore, our job in evangelism is to not be ashamed of our identity and to obey His voice. Our identity as sons and daughters of the living God gives us the confidence and wisdom needed to share His gospel. This gospel is the power of God to help people in every area of their life, and save their soul from death (Rom. 1:16, 2 Peter 1:3)!

Follow these links to see some testimonies: Testimony 1 Testimony 2 Testimony 3

We regularly take teams of people to do various types of outreach. If you would like to join us on a scheduled local outreach or receive further equipping in this area, please contact us!