The Day I stepped into Ministry... (Evangelism on an Airplane)


This is a post shared from my personal social media on Sept 20, 2018

Today is the day I announce I am stepping into full time ministry!  While I have been doing ministry related activities with about 80% of my time all ready, I am feeling the nudge from God to take the next step.  This step is about me being fully me.  It is about me becoming all that God created me to be.  For some, I understand the many negative connotations to "ministry" related work.  I have often held many of them myself.  However, I feel Jesus often broke religious molds, and that gives me courage.  I believe Jesus was full of love.  Jesus also wasn't a pansy or push over.  Jesus had power and grace.  Basically, I like Jesus...

I will share one story of Jesus that recently happened in my life.  Not too long ago I was flying to South Carolina to visit some friends (Shout out New Day Church).  On the way I sat down next to a friendly mid-20s male who said he was on his way home to visit his dad.  He asked me what I was up to and we began to talk. After explaining to him politely that I don't party or do drugs, he made a simple comment about trying to figure out his life like I have.  I believe in that moment, while I was smiling, and accepting him, but also not anything like him... he was drawn to my peace and stability (that I have received from Jesus' love for me).  I made a simple comment that I would pray for him to find a good job.  This was my first "religious" comment of any sort.  He thanked me and the stewardess came by and said something so we had a brief pause.  Since I said I would pray, I thought I better start now before I forget!  As I turned my heart to the Lord, I felt Jesus say that this young man was not going home to visit his dad, but rather he had bought a one way ticket and was moving home for good.  I saw an image of all his friends turning on him and knew that he was coming home to start completely over.

Well I don't know if you have ever told anyone that their story was not exactly the full picture, but it does take a risk.  I said, "I told you I would pray for you.  I just started right now and God told me a few things.  Would you mind if I shared them with you."  That statement usually brings an interesting look from people.  He agreed and I said, "You have bought yourself a one way ticket haven't you?  You just had a real falling out with your friends as well (the same ones he claimed he had just partied with recently)".  His mouth literally fell open.  He said, "Yes, how did you know".  I thought to myself, he isn't listening very well, I just told him how I know :).  Obviously these are things I can't  know I explained, Jesus told me.   I shared some more and told him I saw some things about his relationship with his dad. That he was nervous to see him again, and they had not always connected well. I saw things God had gifted him with and how they would help him with his career he has yet to find.  I even said, "Based on all these things, I bet you would be great running a restaurant, but I'll let you decide that".  He said, "yea that would be great.  I just started learning how to make pastries" (pretty random for the average 25 yr old male).

In summary, the presence of God, through His Holy Spirit came into that plane and touched this young man.  He felt love.  He felt understood.  He felt maybe God did create him.  He wasn't judged, He was offered a chance at a God inspired life.

So because Jesus is that good, and he has changed me, I am following Him into this next step.

John Dresser