Stock Market leads to the presence of God at Starbucks...


I have to admit… I have been on a testimony fast. I have been on a journey with the Lord to not post something on social media if I couldn’t just enjoy the testimony with Him. I want to honor God with social media. This past week I was praying and God showed me that the things of this world can be used by Him. He said what one person uses for their selfish benefit, a leader of God first masters, and then uses that very thing to lead people to Jesus. Later that day I had a board meeting and my board encouraged me to share more of what God is doing in my ministry. There advice was to let my heart be shown in the process. That sounded a lot like what God was saying to me earlier that day. So here is my heart, to simply to see more of Jesus! What if you and I were apart of a culture where faith was expressed when reading a social media post? What if testimonies were an invitation to pray? An invitation to worship? What if we managed our soul and responded to the Holy Spirit as we lived life… including on social media? Lets try this together?

So yesterday I was finishing up a meeting with a friend at Starbucks and had the Holy Spirit highlights a guy’s computer to me who was sitting at a table near by (strange I know). Due to the large size of his arms and serious look, I don’t think to many people offer small chat with him on a regular basis (turns out he is a body guard). Still, I walked over and asked the him about his laptop to start the conversation. He explained that he got such a big laptop because he traded in the stock market and used the extra horse power to hook up additional monitors to watch the markets. Well if you know anything about my past you would know I traded in the markets for almost 15 years and was very familiar with why he would do that. In fact, my previous laptop was huge just like his for the exact same reason! Can you see why the Holy Spirit highlighted his computer to me? He wanted relationship to happen, its that simple! After a few minutes of good conversation and relating about shared experiences, I felt the Holy Spirit say to ask him about his son and offer to pray for him. I had told him that I worked in the non-profit arena now, and I often offer to pray for people that I meet. I shared with him that I felt God put him on my heart because I believe he was on God’s heart. I said Jesus simply wants to remind you that He cares about your life. He responded he would love prayer about a family situation with his children and I prayed. I said a simple prayer that God would take care of his children, God would bless him today with peace, and that he would know Jesus was thinking about him. After the prayer, this burly man picks his head up with tears welling in his eyes and says that was the best part of his day. We parted ways, both having experienced God together in Starbucks. It was simple, but it was the heart of God. In fact, that man is still in my heart today. because I experienced a small piece of God’s heart for him. Will you pray with me that this bodyguard comes to be overshadowed by Jesus? What is faith speaking to you now? Do you believe God wants to take your history and use it to relate to people around you? Jesus, lead us on…

At Workers for Joy our mission statement includes the 3 P’s of prophecy, power, and purpose. We feel the called to express the love of God in these ways and are excited every time we see the Holy Spirit using us towards this end. Each testimony we share is intended to bring glory to Jesus and share part of our ministry's unique DNA that we believe was a gift from God. If you have been impacted by our ministry, or want to honor Jesus in these areas yourself, would you consider partnering with us as we work for joy?