What exactly do you do? …and the toothbrush salesman


One of the most frequent questions I get is, “What is it that you do exactly?” In fact, just the other day I answered the question 3 times before mid afternoon! Each situation was unique and proves the challenge of expressing to someone that I just want to work for joy (hah)! Sometimes I share I am something like a spiritual councilor. That very day I had started my “work” by communicating with a couple that I am doing some marriage counseling with. We spent some time discussing the mechanics of “desires” and the feelings they produce, especially in communication. James 4:1 says that our fights come from these desires, and at Workers for Joy we teach that we should practice identifying them for this very important reason!

I sometimes share how important discipleship is to me (if I am talking to another Christian). In this context I describe my ministry as a ministry of discipleship. My first coffee meeting that day had been with a regional leader who runs their own ministry. We have been in a “discipleship” relationship for some time. We fellowshiped over Hebrews chapter 3 and 4 which discuss the rest of God. We prayed and sought the Lord to show us how to “cease” from our labor (Heb 4:10) so we could enter into the works He has prepared for us (Eph 2:10). This ministry is experiencing some wonderful growth!

If I know I am speaking to someone who is “anti” religion, I may share I am part of a non-profit that delivers prayers and “spiritual messages”… and ask if they would like one. They usually hear this as different than whatever “church” concept they have and are often open to give it a try. And after my coffee I drove to have a meeting with a local business about potentially using their space for this type of outreach. At Workers for Joy we offer prayer and prophetic ministry to non-believers on a regular basis, both in formal and non-formal settings. The space was not a fit at all, but I did stop to talk with a guy smoking outside on the street. After he asked what I do, we struck up a conversation and he is planning to visit our School of Supernatural Identity that starts this Friday.

With that story in mind, it was humorous when the guy I met for lunch that day asked me, “John, are you kinda like an evangelist or something?” He is non-believer that I have been building a friendship with and was trying to understand what I do as well. “Is your goal to get me to come to church or something?” he asked. While I assured him that getting him to church was not my goal, I tried again to explain what I do! I simply shared that I have met Jesus and I am continually being impacted by Him, so I do want others to know that He can impact them in a special way as well. I shared that I don’t think Jesus was trying to get people to go to synagogue, but rather He wanted to express love to them. His mission was to express that God, His father, is really good. I want that to be my mission as well (I want to work for joy)! I shared I am still learning and God is surprising me everyday with new things. In fact I joked that I don’t really know what I do either… but I know who is moving my doing!

My new friend leaned back and said, “Well I think your doing a good job”. Then I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to him. He began to share with me how he once had been resistant to spend money on an electric toothbrush, but after visiting the dentist, heeded their recommendation, and bought one. He shared how it improved his gums, lessened the amount of plaque and wasn’t as hard to use as he originally thought. He wished he would have switched a long time ago! He continued about how he was so impacted that he began to tell his friends and even bought his sister one after she refused to spend the money for herself. He said, “That’s kinda like you. You found something good and you want to share it". That’s it exactly Mr. Toothbrush salesman!

At Workers for Joy our mission statement includes the 3 P’s of prophecy, power, and purpose. We feel the called to express the love of God in these ways and are excited every time we see the Holy Spirit using us towards this end. Each testimony we share is intended to bring glory to Jesus and share part of our ministry's unique DNA that we believe was a gift from God. If you have been impacted by our ministry, or want to honor Jesus in these areas yourself, would you consider partnering with us as we work for joy?

John Dresser