He knows when we sit and when we rise... A Prophetic Testimony


This is a post shared from social media, thus short and sweet!

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Yesterday I joined a friend playing basketball with a few guys I didn’t know. And yes, I need to exercise more! After everyone was done my buddy told me he felt like we should pray for one of the guys. I said sure but had to be reminded of his name because I just met him. I simply listened as my friend began to pray. I literally felt nothing from the Lord at first and so I asked Jesus to help me just love this young man well. After a few moments the Lord began to speak about this man having a calling in business and entrepreneurship. I saw him having some challenges with running numbers but was good at “selling” (both are needed to run a business). I felt like Jesus wanted to encourage him that even despite these present internal doubts and challenges God had a call on his life in this area. I saw he specifically worked in real estate development and had a close father figure who was helping him along in his work. All this was true and I shared that this was Jesus was of telling him that he knows every hair on his head and wants to help him in life (Ps 139). We prayed that he would feel the love of God and know that true life is deeper than making money but is only found in Christ and yet God will help him make money! He was almost speechless at first and experienced a true touch from God. In the end, I left and he relayed to my friend that he had been thinking about his job and the dynamics I felt the Lord share with me in the prophetic word that past week. It was also cool that just that morning my friend had shared a similar experience he had with me and I said I am going to ask God to give me one to! Just a few hours later he used both of us to work for His joy! #gifts #grace #joy

John Dresser