The Father Heart of God - A Prophetic Testimony


I find it wonderfully awe inspiring that God, as an all powerful deity, ruler of heaven and earth, calls himself Father! Wow! So many ways that He could have set this thing up , but He chose the title of Daddy (Ps 103:13, Rom 8:26). When it comes to prophetic gifts, it becomes almost self evident that a Father would speak with His children. As we pursue these gifts, it should be from a relational stance understanding that the main point is not “getting information” but understanding the communication of God as Father. He is thinking like a parent, and a really kind one! In fact, Mal 4:5-6 says revival will look like a prophetic spirit (spirit of Elijah) revealing the Father heart of God so our land is not spiritually orphaned, and therefore, under “curse”. Don’t we need the influence of perfect Father in this broken world?

Friday night after our School of Supernatural Identity, I spent some time giving prophetic words to people in the class. I noticed one woman was a bit teary towards the back of the room and I made my way back to her. In the natural, I didn’t know of anything that could be troubling her, but asked if I could pray and listen to see what God might say to her. As I began to listen I saw a picture of one of her daughters (that I have met once or twice) and knew in my spirit this woman was troubled about something going on in her daughters life. I asked her, “Are you concerned about your daughter?” and she nodded. I also saw a location pin like on google maps and knew this was confirmation of this specific daughter who was away at school in a different state. I then saw the Lord giving guidance like a Father would when a child is not listening well. I encouraged this woman that even in her absence the Heavenly Father is parenting this child. As I shared several more things to bring encouragement about this young girls destiny (God is not done with her yet!), and it became clear that God was thinking like a Father. He gave words to perfectly empathize with a worried parent. He gave supernatural knowledge to say, “I know you are concerned about your child”. “I know exactly where she is and I have my eye on her”. “I am talking to her about the things you want to say, but cannot in this season.” “Don’t worry, I love her and will take care of her for you.” I felt the compassion and empathy of God being expressed from one parent to another. What a wonderful Father He is!

If you are hungry to grow in prophecy and knowing God as Father, stay tuned for some upcoming equipping opportunities we hope to roll out soon!

At Workers for Joy our mission statement includes the 3 P’s of prophecy, power, and purpose. We feel the called to express the love of God in these ways and are excited every time we see the Holy Spirit using us towards this end. Each testimony we share is intended to bring glory to Jesus and share part of our ministry's unique DNA that we believe was a gift from God. If you have been impacted by our ministry, or want to honor Jesus in these areas yourself, would you consider partnering with us as we work for joy?

John Dresser